Exhibitions > Selected Group Exhibitions

Free For All
Fredj Moussa, Eddy Lopez, Emilio Martinez Poppe, Dalila Sanabria
January 15 - February 12, 2022

We offer this exhibition as a point of connection between the inside and the outside, a chance to lose sight of the illusory barriers that keep many of us in a haze of distraction and preoccupation. When in distress, the pull to turn within can be strong. The works in this exhibition, taken together, offer a reminder that within and without are continuous. Those who suffer at the hands of our government are our neighbors, our friends, our artists, ourselves. Lines of flight, contemporary odysseys, the total dismantling of the normal are always close at hand. These four artists offer us an allegory of interconnectedness, a prophecy, a warning, a way of channeling the present and the past into a vision of collective power.

Free For All, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Philadelphia, PA.
Free For All, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Philadelphia, PA.